Edo LP exco dissolved, as former State  Assembly becomes interim chairman

By Jethro Ibileke

The leadership crisis rocking the Labour Party (LP), has snowballed into the dissolution of the executive committee of the party in Edo State.

The sudden dissolution might not be unconnected with the suspension of the National Chairman of the party Julius Abure by his ward chairman. The suspension was also ratified by the Kelly Ogbaloi-led state exco last Friday.

The party has also constituted a 17-man caretaker committee, headed by a former speaker of Edo House of Assembly, Mrs. Elizabeth Ativie, to oversee the affairs of the state chapter of the party in the interim.

They are also expected to work in conjunction with the party’s governorship candidate,  Olumide Akpata towards ensuring victory in the governorship election coming up on 21 September, 2024.

The Deputy National Chairman of the party, Dr Ayo Olorunfemi, inaugurated the interim state executive committee on Monday in Benin.

While administering the oath of office, Dr Olorunfemi said the new leadership of the party in the state came on board due to the expiration of the tenure of the Ogbaloi-led executive committee which ended in April, 2024.

According to him, the new leadership is expected to take charge of the affairs of the party pending when a fresh congress would be held to elect a new executive in the state.

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Dr Olorunfemi added that the party decided to appoint Mrs. Ativie to head the committee due to her positive and result-oriented track record in all her political positions so far.

Also speaking, the secretary of the Party, Oses Emmanuel Eromwonsele, lauded members of the party for their turn out during the inauguration.

When contacted on phone, Mr. Kelly Ogbaloi said he was neither aware of any committee put in place nor a  change of leadership. He claimed he still remained the state chairman.

 At a press briefing held last Friday night, the Kelly Ogbaloi-led state exco ratified the earlier suspension of Julius Abure as national chairman by the Ward 3, chairman of the party in Arue, Uromi, Esan North East local government area of Edo State, Mr. Thompson Ehiguese.

Ehiguese, in the suspension letter, explained that the decision was reached after a rigorous deliberation of his high handedness and anti-party activities and allegations of fraud levelled against him which are presently being investigated.

“While the suspension is with immediate effect, you are advised to refrain from holding out or parading yourself as a member of Labour Party, Ward 3, Arue, Uromi, Esan North East Local Government Area of Edo State,” the letter said in part.


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