Governor Radda flags off construction of 129.5km road


By Maduabuchi Nmeribeh/Katsina

As part of activities marking his one year in office, Katsina state Governor, Malam Dikko Umaru Radda, has flagged off the construction of 129.5km road.

He also spent quality time with patients in the hospital, shortly after flagging-off the road project.

The project is facilitated by the Katsina state Ministry of Environment under its Rural Access and Agricultural Marketing Project (RAMP).

The Commissioner of Environment, Hon Musa Adamu Funtua was the chief host.

In attendance was the Deputy Governor Hon Farouk Jobe, Chief of Staff Hon Jabiru Tsauri and members of the state executive council.

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However, in a touching display of compassion and solidarity, Governor Radda made a heartwarming visit to General Hospital Katsina, where he spent time with patients, offering words of encouragement and empathy.

The visitation was in line with the itinerary to commemorate his one year in office.

This gesture by Governor Radda is a pointer to his deep commitment to the well-being of the people he serves.

The people’s governor, as he is  addressed by the Katsina masses, provided the much-needed human connection and reassured those battling illnesses that they are not alone in their fight.

Governor Radda’s hospital visit not only demonstrated his genuine concern for the health and welfare of Katsina residents, but also exemplified the true essence of leadership – one that prioritizes the needs of the most vulnerable and ensures that no one is left behind.


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