Cultists kill 150 people in Edo, as Obaseki vows action against cultism


Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State

By Jethro Ibileke

Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State says more than 150 people have been killed in a related cult activities even as he banned activities of Okaigheles (Youth Leader) in Edo South Senatorial District of the State.

The Governor who announced this on Monday, after a closed-door meeting with security Chiefs in Edo State, at the Government House in Benin City, said it was part of a renewed effort to tackle cultism in the State.

He disclosed that no fewer than 150 people have been lost to cult-related activities and homicide in the last five months.

It would be recalled that four students of Auchi Poly, including two final year students were killed in cult rivalry this past week.

It was gathered that the final year students were on their way to write their final papers when they were waylaid and killed by their assailants.

Obaseki said his government has declared a total war against cultism and has set up a special task force of the Security Council headed by the Director of the Department of State Security (DSS) that will from tonight review every cult related incident in the State.

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According to him, “We have just finished the Security Council Meeting where we reviewed the security situation in Edo State since January 2024 with particular emphasis on the security activities in Edo in May 2024.

“The outcome of our security council meeting today is that the State has declared full war on cultists and Okaigeles in Edo State.

“From the security management report which was considered in our security meeting, we still have a nagging issue in Edo State which is cultism. The incidence of cultism is very high.

“What is particularly worrisome about cultism is the related homicide that goes with cult-related activities. From January to date, we have lost over 150 people to cult-related activities and homicide. We can’t tolerate and accept this situation anymore.

“The Council today, amongst its decisions, has decided to go full blast against cultists and cultism in the State. We have now passed an anti-cultism law in Edo State and that law will be implemented to its fullest.

“Related to cult activities are activities of Okaigeles in Edo South. The Council has prohibited forthwith activities of Okaigeles in Edo State. Anybody who claims he is an Okaigele, operating in any community will be dealt with strictly by the law,” he said.

Also speaking, the State Commissioner of Police, Funsho Adegboye, reassured that the security agencies will implement the decision of the State Security Council without fear or favour.

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