CSOs protest in Benin, urge Tinubu to end suffering in Nigeria


Members of the Edo Civil Society Organisation protesting in Benin in Wednesday

By Jethro Ibileke

As the nation celebrate 25 years of uninterrupted democratic rule on Wednesday, members of the Edo State Civil Society Organisation (EDOSCO), called on the government to end the suffering of the masses and advance policies that will better the lot of Nigerians.

Kola Edokpayi who led members of the group, stated this at a protest/rally organised by the organization in Benin, said they came out to vent their frustration over the state of the nation.

He said, “We reject totally this brand of democracy being practiced in the country. This our democracy is not for the people, it is against the people. We cannot continue to be silent in the midst of poverty, hardship and unemployment.

“The reason why we are out today is to vent our frustration over the state of the nation. The masses are suffocating due to iron grip of hunger, poverty and economic downturn under President Bola Tinubu.

“We are saying that this country should be fixed so that we can avoid agitation for self determination as witnessed in the South East, with people in that region saying they are not part of Nigeria.

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“Those piloting the affairs of the country has failed woefully. These people travel abroad and see how things work there unfortunately they replicate what they see here

“We call on the government to end the suffering of the masses and institute policies that will better the lot of Nigerians.

“The leaders know the solution. We want them to give us employment and create enabling environment for investors to come into the country.

“They must halt insecurity and fix power. Why are they increasing tariff when the power supply is epileptic? The suffering must end so that the masses will stop agitating for their rights.

The governorship candidate of African Action Congress (AAC), Comrade Oberaifo Udoh, who also joined the protesters, called on government at all levels to rise up and fix country as Nigerians can no longer bear the pains coupled with senseless killings and insecurity around the nation.

According to him, Nigerians can no longer feed their families comfortably because of the hardship.

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