FRSC deploys personnel to ensure hitch-free Eid-el-Kabir in Kaduna

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The Federal Road Safety Corps, Kaduna Sector Command, says it has deployed its personnel and Special Marshals across the state to ensure hitch-free Eid-el-Kabir celebrations.

The Sector Commander, Mr Kabir Nadabo, made the disclosure in a statement issued on Friday in Kaduna.
Nadabo explained that the special marshals would complement the efforts of the regular marshals in the enforcement and public enlightenment campaigns.

According to him, the corps has released an operational order to guide patrol and rescue operations nationwide during the upcoming Sallah celebrations.

He said in view of this, the command has outlined modalities and strategies in line with the operations order from the FRSC National Headquarters.

He explained that the objective was to achieve crash free, hitch free and seamless vehicular movement around the state during and after the festival.

Nadabo said that these modalities were aimed at sensitising and enhancing public awareness on routes likely to be affected by mass vehicular movement during the Sallah season.

“The Command has arranged a series of interventions and mobilisation of sufficient manpower and Logistics on critical routes.

“These routes include the Abuja to Kaduna Road which stretches from Katari to Doka down to Gonin Gora, a road still under construction but with monumental presence of FRSC Formations and personnel.

“Additionally, the command has set aside eight Ambulances, stationed at Katari, Doka, Kakau, Rigachikun, Mando, Zaria and Tashar Yari for prompt response to road traffic crashes,”, he said.

He further disclosed that the command has made adequate arrangements in the deployment of more staffers to other formations across the state.

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According to him, these formations are: Zaria, Soba, Pambegau, Saminaka, Kachia and Gwantu.

Nadabo said, “This is to compliment their efforts in traffic control and rescue operations along their routes which interconnect to various parts of the country.

“To ensure adequate visibility during the festivity, staff have been deployed to enhance optimal performance, particularly, in response to road traffic crashes.”

The Sector Commander also said that the operatives would focus primarily on offences such as overloading, loading of humans and animals, driving with worn out or expired tyres, drivers license violation, excessive speeding and lane indiscipline.

He added that the command had also deployed bikes for effective patrol and tow trucks for prompt removal or clearance of obstruction along the highways.

Nadabo appreciated the efforts of the Kaduna State Government in supporting the corps activities in the state through various intervention support.

“The corps will continue to collaborate and engage with the state government to achieve less crashes and fatalities as well as ensure compliance to traffic rules and regulations by the citizens.

“FRSC Kaduna sector command will monitor the implementation of all directives to ensure successful Eid-El-Kabir Sallah Patrol Operations, ” he said.


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