Made Kuti gushes over wife Nedo with loving birthday message

Made Kuti gushes over wife Nedo with loving birthday message

Made and Nedo

By Oluwapelumi Oluwayemi

Afrobeat singer Made Kuti has celebrated his wife, Nedo Kuti, with an emotional message on her birthday, June 13th.

He posted photos of his “African Queen” on Instagram, praising her as the most beautiful, gorgeous, sexiest, kindest, loving, conscious, funniest, sweetest, warmest, and amazing wife.

He expressed his gratitude for her being everything he wanted and needed.

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“Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, most gorgeous, sexiest, kindest, loving, conscious, funniest, sweetest, warmest, most amazing wife. @nedokuti Thank you for being everything I want and need,” he wrote.

Nedo responded in his comment section, calling him the most handsome, hardworking, talented, creative, extraordinary, multi-talented, and multi-instrumentalist. She thanked him for his unconditional love.

“My husband! The best, the most handsome, hardworking, talented, creative, extraordinary, multi-talented, and multi-instrumentalist. Thank you! Thank you for loving me unconditionally! I love you,” she replied.

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