Trader jailed two years for stealing security safe


Court gavel

A Jos Magistrates’ Court on Friday, sentenced a 19-year-old trader, Ahmad Umar to two years imprisonment for trespassing and stealing a security safe from a fuel station.

The magistrate, Shawomi Bokkos, summarily tried and sentenced the defendant after he pleaded guilty to the charge.

The magistrate, however, gave the convict an option to pay N100,000 .

Earlier, the Prosecutor, Insp Ijuptil Thawal told the court that the case was reported on Jan. 7, at the “A” Police station Jos by one Cecilia Ali, the complaint.

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The prosecutor said the convict trespassed into the fuel station office and stole the safe containing N361,000 before he was caught.

The offence, according to him, is punishable under the Plateau state Penal Code Law.


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