U.S. condemns sentencing of activists Huang, Wang in China

Matthew Miller

Matthew Miller

By Kazeem Ugbodaga

The United States, U.S., has condemned the sentencing of independent journalist and women’s rights activist Huang Xueqin (Sophia Huang) as well as labour rights activist Wang Jianbing in China.

Matthew Miller, Spokesperson, U.S. Department of State in a statement on Monday said the People’s Republic of China government sentenced Ms. Huang to five years of imprisonment and Mr. Wang to three years and six months of imprisonment after a lengthy pre-trial detention and a secret trial closed to journalists or the public.

“These sentences demonstrate the PRC’s continued efforts to intimidate and silence civil society.

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“We urge the PRC to immediately release Huang and Wang, as well as other individuals unjustly detained for exercising their fundamental freedoms.

“We continue to call on the PRC to live up to its international commitments and to respect the human rights of all persons, including freedom of expression and fair trial guarantees.

“We also urge the PRC to accept the many recommendations made this year during the PRC’s Universal Periodic Review of its human rights record,” the U.S. said.

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