Ukrainian drone hits Russian oil depot, causes fire

American MQ-9 Reaper drone

American MQ-9 Reaper drone for illustration. Photo: VOA News


A Ukrainian drone attack on Wednesday caused a fire at an oil depot in Azov in the Rostov region of Russia, regional emergency services reportedly said.

Governor of Rostov region Vasily Golubev said earlier via his Telegram channel that storage tanks containing oil products in Azov ignited following a drone attack.

Initial reports suggest that no casualties have been reported.

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The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations said that approximately 200 personnel and 49 units of equipment were deployed to extinguish the blaze in the storage tank.

This has a total capacity of 4,000 cubic meters.

The fire was contained in an area of 3,200 square meters.

Four Ukrainian combat drones were reportedly involved in the attack on the oil depot.

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