Adamawa vigilante Emmanuel Bori shoots 2 brothers dead over land dispute


Mali Emmanuel Bori: shoots two brothers, Emmanuel and Almond to death during an altercation over a farmland

By Ayorinde Oluokun/Abuja

A 31-year-old vigilante operative identified as Mali Emmanuel Bori has been arrested in Adawama State for shooting two brothers, Emmanuel Hamma Shehu and Almond Hamma Shehu to death during an altercation over a farmland.

The vigilante operative killed the two brothers on 13, June 2024 at Bori village in the Jada Local Government Area of the state, Adamawa State Police Command said in a statement.

SP Suleiman Nguroje, the spokesperson for the police command said Bori shot the two brothers dead with his dane gun during a fight over the farmland on 13 June. He added that the suspect would be charged to court after the conclusion of the investigations.

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The statement reads: “The Adamawa State Police Command has on 13/06/2024 apprehended Mali Emmanuel Bori, 31, a vigilante man for firing and killing Emmanuel Hamma Shehu and Almond Hamma Shehu all residents of Bori village, Koma District of Jada Local Government Area.

“The suspect had a dispute with the victims over a farm located at Bori, in Jada LGA, which resulted into a fight. During the altercation, he used his Dane gun and shot the victims leading to their unfortunate death.”

Nguroje assured that after the conclusion of an investigation into the matter, the suspect would be charged.

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