Deeone slams Whitemoney over 150 staff claim


Deeone and Whitemoney

By Taiwo Okanlawon

Nigerian comedian Adedayo Martin better known as Dee One has slammed reality TV star counterpart Whitemoney for making a ridiculous claim about his staff and payment structure.

On a recent episode of the Echo Room podcast, Whitemoney boasted about employing 150 staff members and paying them five years in advance, citing his multifaceted career and desire to avoid regular payment hassles.

However, Deeone isn’t buying it, labeling Whitemoney the biggest liar in the entertainment industry.

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Deeone took to social media to debunk Whitemoney’s claim, using calculations to highlight the impossibility of such a statement.

He also drew parallels with Ka3na, who recently shared a photoshopped image of a customized private jet, questioning the motives behind these lies.

In a humorous jab, Deeone captioned his video, “Whitemoney Vs Ka3na… who lie pass”.

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