U.S. Presidential debate: Trump vows mass deportation of immigrants from America


Trump and Biden at the presidential debate

Former U.S. President, Donald Trump has vowed mass deportation of immigrants if elected president in November, but President Joe Biden countered him.

The two presidential candidates are squaring up at the CNN presidential debate.

Trump vowed to conduct mass deportations if he takes office, saying “every undocumented immigrant to America,” including people who have lived in the US for decades, would go.
He said Biden’s immigration and “open border” policies had contributed to a rise in crime.

“We have to get a lot of these people out and we have to get them out fast, because they are going to destroy our country,” Trump said without elaborating on his plans.

Trump also attacked Biden on his border policies, claiming that prisoners, people from mental health institutions and terrorists are coming into the country from across the border.

Biden rebuts, saying there was no data to support what Trump was claiming.

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Asked why Americans should trust Biden to handle the US-Mexico border despite historic migrant arrivals, Biden pivoted, suggesting that Trump and Republicans were to blame for the collapse of a bipartisan border deal earlier this year.

He also criticised Trump for family separations that took place during his administration.

“Now, you’re in a situation where there’s 40% people coming across the border illegally. That’s better than when he left office,” he added.


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