17th August, 2024
By Okafor Ofiebor/Port Harcourt
A housing and real estate investor based in Port Harcourt, My-ACE China, has harped on strategies to make donations that would make impact on the lives of the people.
China, who is the CEO of the Housing and Construction Mayor Limited spoke at his induction into the Rotary Club family at the weekend.
The popular real estate investor told journalists that strategic donating is what will help people out of poverty. He said ineffective philanthropy would rather create highly dependent people who would always come back for help.
He said: “Charity is an ineffective philanthropy because if you give a man fish, he will come back tomorrow for another fish and you can’t feed him all your life.
“So, charity of donation is actually charity of backing people (carrying people on your back). And the philosophy says you can’t back more than two people, but you can help a limitless number of people. So effective charity which I’ll start doing when I have more time (because we are still at the herculean stage where activities are more than profit), will be real charity which is to make the person you’re helping to be independent of your help subsequently. So, the two things I believe that will cause real charity are education and psychological development.”
Continuing, he said: . “With EQ and IQ, capital is a seed that will be sown and yield harvest and take more people out of poverty, making them independent of that seed subsequently.
“But when you give people seed, without IQ and EQ, they turn their seed to bread. And when they eat their seed, they’ll come begging tomorrow. So that kind of charity is ineffective and we are just doing it right now because we don’t have the chance and time for effective charity.”
On his induction as member of the Rotary Club, he said: I believe in a constant unending expansion of life through contribution. So, I want to leave this legacy in this life to have contributed the most to people in the most ways. So, when I was called upon to take on honorary membership, initially I came in just to do my contributions and go. But I don’t know there’s a connection between my heart contributions to humanity and that of Rotary. So, they caught me and made me, not just a member, but their first permitted full virtual member”.
China donated N1m to support the work of Rotary in Port Harcourt. He promised to support another event where over 100 pregnant women would be assisted with delivery kits.