"I never dreamed of marriage, only of building my career" - Nancy Isime

Nancy Isime

Nancy Isime

By Oluwapelumi Oluwayemi

Renowned Nollywood actress Nancy Isime has opened up about her unique perspective on marriage and career goals, distinguishing herself from the conventional dreams of many young girls.

During an appearance on the popular talk show ‘Creativity Live with Lynda,’ Isime  shared that unlike many of her peers who viewed marriage as a means to improve their financial situation,

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her focus has always been on professional success and financial independence.

Isime explained, “I’m actually scared of the limelight. When young girls used to sit down and dream about getting married, I never did. I used to dream of working and making money. I can spend on myself so much that another person cannot take the position of if it is not me, you won’t have this life.”

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