5th November, 2024
By Nehru Odeh
Baltasar Ebang Engonga is indeed a record breaker. He is well-heeled, handsome and has pedigree. He was until recently also the Director-General of Equatorial Guinea’s National Financial Investigation Agency (ANIF).
Nicknamed “Bello” on account of his good looks, 54-year-old Baltasar is the son of Baltasar Engonga Edjo’o, the head of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) commission, and a nephew of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo He is also a close ally of the president.
Baltasar was living his ‘unadulterated’, albeit morbid sex life, ‘sampling’ women of different hues, shades and colour unmolested in the cosiness of his home and office. And indeed he never molested the women as the sex rendezvous and trysts were consensual. Yet he is married to a beautiful lady and has six children.
He was doing that with so much ease, comfort and panache as the head of his country’s financial crime agency, investigating other people’s crime and misdeeds and indeed minding other people’s businesses until the bubble burst.
And like the proverbial tale of the hunter becoming the hunted, he later found himself being investigated for financial crimes, which led to a raid on his house.
The rest is not just history but a story, a story that has not only set the internet on fire but has put him in the Guinness Book of World Record.
While the raid was going on, instead of finding incriminating financial documents or raw cash in his house they found more than 400 sex tapes of flings with over 300 women he had had raw sex with.
Over four hundred sex tapes of trysts with more than 300 women he had had raw sex with? Sure. This is the story of Baltasar Ebang Engonga, whose first name reminds one of Balthazar, one of Portia’s servants and a minor character who later became a major character in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. However, this time, Baltasar is a major character in Equatorial Guinea’s national life that is fast becoming a minor character.
This is the story of a character who has taken sex to a digital level. His second name Ebang typifies what he knows how to do best, ‘bang’. ‘Bang’ is a Nigerian Pidgin lingo which means hard sex. And he indeed lived up to his name, E-bang or Electronic Bang, since the kind of sex he had with those over 300 women was not just hard but also electronic and digital.
This is the story of a man whose surname, Engonga sounds like a gong. Not only is his name now virtually on everyone’s lips, no thanks to his record-breaking flings with women. And he has achieved that fest no with a whimper but a band as his name connotes.
Most of the videos now making the rounds portray Baltasar as an expert in unprotected and unpremeditated sex (not murder). The videos have that extemporaneous feel, that suddenness, that originality, that spontaneity, – how the English romantic poet, William Wordsworth defines poetry as the spontaneous outflow of powerful feelings.
Of course, the way Baltasar makes love with those women in the viral videos is sheer poetry, as it is spontaneous outflow of powerful feelings tinged with drama, albeit a mime.
And there is also that uncanny confidence which he betrays, thanks to his always elongated and hardened manhood, his weapon of mass destruction. He has indeed destroyed many lives with his natural endowment Perhaps that explains why ladies easily gravitate to him, what with his handsome features and cash he had to throw around.
Then there is that grin on his face, that feeling of sheer ecstasy, while folding his arms on his chest, as he makes love to the women either at home or his office, on the table, with different styles, as music plays in the background.
Still, there is something intriguing about Baltasar’s exploits, which makes him not just a record breaker but also a breaker of boundaries. The stories making the rounds say his sex acts know no boundaries. And he is adept at breaking boundaries.
He has not only slept with his country’s president’s younger sister, he has slept with his own cousin. Baltasar took his exploits notches further by sleeping with even a pregnant woman, who is both bisexual and a pimp. The said pregnant woman did not just arrange women for him, she herself slept with them.
Baltasar is indeed a leveler. He has not has just broken boundaries, he has also leveled virtually the high and low in Equatorial Guinea. He has slept with his pastor’s wife, his godfather’s wife, his security guard’s wife, his bodyguard’s wife, at least 20 wives of several ministers, the wife of the Director-General of Police Affairs, his younger sister’s friends (15 of them), his pastor’s little brother’s wife as well as celebrities, divas and women of substance, to mention a few.
Baltasar has also put his country, Equitorial Guinea on its toes – another forn of ‘touch your toe’ an act he loves doing with women. As a result of the sex scandal, the Vice President of Equatorial Guinea, Teddy Nguema, has announced plans to install surveillance cameras in all state body offices.
The flow of internet traffic and the downloading of images have been severely disrupted in the country as the use of WhatsApp and other social media platforms have been restricted.
Still, social media is awash with speculation that more videos involving other individuals, both men and women, could be released in the next few days. And since investigations are still ongoing, what can of worms will be revealed and the hoopla that will ensue remain to be seen.