Govern with fear of God, PDP tells Ambode


Akinwunmi Ambode, Lagos State Governor

Akinwunmi Ambode, Lagos State Governor
Akinwunmi Ambode, Lagos State Governor

The Lagos State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) on Friday urged Mr Akinwunmi Ambode, the new governor of the state to govern the state with the fear of God.

Ambode, in his inaugural speech after being sworn in as the 14th governor of Lagos State, had pledged to make the state a better place to live in.

The PDP, in a statement signed by its Publicity Secretary, Mr Taofik Gani, said that governing with the fear of God would move the state out of the “make-belief” situation.

“Whilst we hope the best for Lagos State, it is our objective projection that Ambode may not depart from the propagandist government now institutionalised in the state.

“It is, however, our wish that the state prospers and so we urge Ambode to get close to God and jettison godfatherism in order to make appreciable success.

“By upholding this tenet, Mr Ambode will implement policies for the people and not continue in the manner that the state economy is in the hands of a godfather.

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“With monthly Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) of at least N27 billion, no governor should fail in Lagos State.

“No matter how the image of the immediate past administration’s tenure is laundered, the realities are that in the past eight years, many hopes were dashed with many projects and policies left abandoned or not near completion.

“Such include lack of affordable low cost housing; balkanised civil service with no minimum wage; unresolved Lagos State University (LASU) crisis.

“Also, the Economic & Human Rights violations; shortage of road networks; hostile business environment; inability to bring down cost of living in the state; poor primary and secondary education and lack of pipe borne water; to mention a few,” the party said.

The PDP said it was hopeful that it would upturn Ambode’s victory at the tribunal.

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