Atiku expresses regret on death of pilgrims

Atiku Abubakar

Alhaji Atiku Abubakar

Atiku Abubakar
Atiku Abubakar

Former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar has expressed regret on the death of more than 747 Muslims in a stampede during pilgrimage in Mecca.

A statement issued in Abuja by the Head of Media to Atiku, Mr Pul Ibe, described the incident as one of the grievous accidents to have befallen Muslims in recent memory.

According to the statement, Atiku notes that such colossal loss of human lives is rare and remarkably regrettable.

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It urged the Muslim world to be united in grief and offer prayers to God to avert the recurrence of such accident in future.

“Life is so precious that whoever dies, the world should be united in grief because we are bound by our common humanity.

“The late Hajiya Bilkisu Yusuf, one of the Nigerian victims, was a shining light of the journalism profession in Nigeria,’’ it said.

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