Lagos APC urges Nigerians to celebrate at 55

•Joe Igbokwe

•Joe Igbokwe

•Joe Igbokwe
•Joe Igbokwe

The Lagos State chapter of the a All Progressives Congress, APC, has congratulated Nigerians on the occasion of the country’s 55th Independence anniversary.

The party said that the country is on the verge of being rescued and repositioned as a strong, vibrant and accountable nation with a new government that is bringing a change in every sector of the country’s governance.

In a release in Lagos, signed by the Lagos State Publicity Secretary of the APC, Joe Igbokwe, the party said there is need for Nigerians to celebrate this year’s anniversary with great hope and expectation after the debauchery of the past years.

The party says this year’s celebration is unique because Nigeria is making a radical departure from decay and rot to an assured recovery under President Muhammadu Buhari.

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“Even with the dreary economic reality occasioned by the profligacy of the past years, Nigerians have cause to be fulfilled and hopeful of a bright and assured future because a competent, focused and incorruptible leader is at the country’s helm at present. When we look at the general economic lull sweeping all over the world, Nigerians have cause to be fearful but they need not fear because of the presence of a leader with the right inclination to rescue the lost years when corrupt and inept leadership drove the country to despair and gloom.

“Lagos APC states with no iota of fear or doubt that Nigeria is on the cusp of recovery and this should gladden the hearts of every Nigerian that even at 55, the labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain. We see a great, strong and prosperous nation ahead. We see a vibrant country emerging from the brinks of ruins, which past governments had driven Nigeria into.”

According to the party, “We urge every Nigerian, on the occasion of this year’s independence celebration, to join hands with the government of President Buhari to build a hew nation founded on probity, accountability, peace and progress. We urge Nigerians to continue to support the change movement now sweeping through the country. We use this medium to assure Nigerians that Nigeria will overcome the challenges of the present to meet the huge expectations of all Nigerians and take its place in respected members of the international community in no distant time.”

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