Like Nigerians, Canadians opt for change, vote Liberal Party

Justin Trudeau, Canadian PM

Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister

Justin Trudeau, is new Canadian PM
Justin Trudeau, is new Canadian PM

Americans voted for ‘Change’ when they elected President Barack Obama. Nigerians voted for ‘Change’ when they elected President Muhammadu Buhari, now Canadians have voted for a massive ‘Change” in their general elections by ousting the Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and giving the Liberal Party led by Justin Trudeau, a landslide victory.

The centrist Liberals started the campaign in third place but in a stunning turnaround now command a majority.

Few had predicted the Liberal victory on this scale. They look set to win 184 seats, a huge increase from only 36 that they held after suffering their worst-ever election result in 2011.

Mr Trudeau, the 43-year-old son of late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, said Canadians had voted for real change.

The BBC reported that incumbent Conservative PM Stephen Harper has accepted defeat and his party said he will step down as leader.

It was the longest campaign in Canada’s history, and had been thought to be much closer.

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Conservative PM Stephen Harper has accepted defeat and will step down as leader of the party
Conservative PM Stephen Harper has accepted defeat and will step down as leader of the party

Speaking after the polls closed, Mr Harper said he had already congratulated Mr Trudeau, saying the Conservatives would accept the results “without hesitation”.

Addressing his jubilant supporters shortly afterwards, Mr Trudeau said that Canadians “sent a clear message tonight – it’s time for a change”.

They become the first party ever to move from third place in parliament to a majority in one election.

Meanwhile, the left-leaning New Democratic Party (NDP) is on course to win 44 seats, less than half the number they held in the outgoing parliament.

“I congratulated Mr Trudeau on his exceptional achievement,” said NDP leader Tom Mulcair.

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