Kidnappers free abducted Lagos Students, Principal, teacher

Oluranti-Adebule, Dr Oluranti Adebule

Dr Oluranti Adebule, Lagos State deputy governor

Dr Oluranti Adebule, Lagos State deputy governor
Dr Oluranti Adebule, Lagos State deputy governor
Four students, principals and a teacher of the Lagos State Model College, Igbonla who were kidnapped last week by gunmen in their school have been freed by the kidnappers.

Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Lagos Police Command, Dolapo Badmos told PM News on Wednesday that the students and their teachers were freed between 11pm and 1am last night.

She said the students and others had been reunited with their families and that they were in good health condition.

Badmos could not say whether ransom was paid to secure the release of the children or not, but the police have not made any arrest.

The name of the released students are Abu, Emmanuel Okonkwo, Jeremiah Ruth and Isaac Adebisi. While the Vice Principal, Junior School, AO Oyesola and English teacher, Lukman Oyerinde were also released.

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The six people were kidnapped last week Thursday 8am at the school premises.

The kidnappers who initially demanded N120 million, reviewed the amount to N3.5m on Sunday.

Mr. Oluwafemi Adebisi, an elated father of one of the victims, confirmed to the Nation that his son was back home and in good health.

-Kazeem Ugbodaga

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