Sir Olaniwun Ajayi: A democrat of repute - Gbenga Daniel


Sir Olanihun Ajayi

Sir Olanihun Ajayi
Sir Olanihun Ajayi
Former governor of Ogun State, Otunba Gbenga Daniel has described the late Sir Olaniwun Ajayi as a democrat of repute and an elder statesman who dedicated his life to the service of his people and the country.

In a condolence message on the passing of the elder statesman, Otunba Daniel expressed his shock on the death of one of the few remaining titans which ended another glorious chapter and created a deep void in Nigeria’s politics.

According to the former Governor, late Sir Ajayi was “a very strong force in Nigerian polity and well respected in the political landscape over the years as he improved on the democratic ideals of the founding fathers and played his roles in the service to the nation in various capacities”.

“He was a courageous personality noted for his frank disposition to issues and policies. He remained principled when it mattered most and never compromised his stance even in the midst of challenges. His invaluable contributions to national development will be greatly missed”.

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In the words of ex-governor Daniel, Sir Ajayi’s death was “a great loss to the country and particularly, Ogun State having served across borders during his distinguished career but we take solace in the solid legacies he left which will continue to inspire coming generations”.

Otunba Daniel then offered his heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the family, relatives and those who share in the grief of the loss of the great politician and ask God to grant him a peaceful rest and fortitude for his bereaved family to bear the loss.

Sir Ajayi died Thursday evening. He was 91.

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