Edo declares Friday public holiday for late Ogbemudia

Edo State Gov, Godwin Obaseki

Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State
The Edo State Government has declared Friday as a public holiday in honour of the late Dr. Samuel Ogbemudia, former Governor of the defunct Mid-West Region and Bendel.

Mr John Mayaki, the Chief Press Secretary to Governor Godwin Obaseki revealed this in a statement he issued on Wednesday in Benin.

He said the holiday was to enable the Edo people mourn and pay their last respect to the elder statesman.

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According to him, pupils and students are expected to queue up in their uniforms at the Samuel Ogbemudia Stadium by 9 a.m. on Friday for the state burial ceremony for the deceased.

The governor’s aide urged civil servants to be seated at the stadium by 10 a.m for an inter-denominational church service for the Ogbemudia.

Ogbemudia, 84, died in the early hours of March 9 in Lagos.

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