Isha Sesay Eulogizes Chimamanda Adichie

Isha Sesay with Chimamanda Adichie

Isha Sesay with Chimamanda Adichie

British journalist and former CNN news anchor Isha Isatu Sesay known as Isha Sesay had dinner with award winning author Chimamanda Adichie and she hasn’t stopped showering praises on the writer.

Isha called Adichie a treasure, an African sister so full of wit, brilliance, heart and empathy. Read her post here.

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About last night… it started off as a humdrum Thursday – nothing special, no expectations. And then it took a turn towards marvelous, mind boggling even. Not just a chance to hear @chimamanda_adichie speak at @uscannenberg but to have dinner with her and a few others afterwards. Too often we don’t tell people how special they are and black women, especially, all too often are left to make do with scraps of praise. But I want to take this moment to celebrate an African sister, so full of wit, brilliance, heart and empathy, @chimamanda_adichie – you are a treasure!

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