Court dismisses Shaibu's suit seeking disqualification of Ighodalo

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Justice James Omotosho of the  Federal High Court in Abuja has dismissed a suit filed by the impeached Edo Deputy Governor, Phillips Shuaibu seeking the disqualification of  Asue Ighodalo as the winner of February 22 governorship primary of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Edo State.

Justice Omotosho in a judgement said that Shaibu did not have the  locus standi to challenge the outcome of a  primary in which he did not participate.

The court said Shaibu was absent at the venue of the primary on the day it was held.

The trial judge said Shaibu did not make use of the internal dispute resolution mechanism of the party before filing the suit in court.

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According to the judge, the suit was premature and the ex-Deputy Governor should have kept to the rules of the PDP by first approaching the party’s Appeal Committee before coming to court.

The judge said evidence showed that Ighodalo won the primary  election of the Peoples Democratic Party.


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