Governor Yusuf bans unlawful gatherings, street protests


Gov Abba Kabir Yusuf of Kano State

By Maduabuchi Nmeribeh/Kano
Kano state Governor ,Alhaji Abba Kabir Yusuf, has imposed stringent restrictions on all public gatherings intended for protest within the state, exercising the authority vested in him as the chief security officer of the state
This was contained in a statement issued by the Governor’s Spokesperson, Sanusi Bature Dawakin Tofa, on Wednesday.
By virtue of his position, the governor has directed the Police, the Directorate of State Security Services, and the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps to apprehend, detain, and prosecute any individual or group partaking in demonstrations on the streets of Kano.
According to the statement, “this decisive action is a preemptive strategy aimed at averting any potential breakdown of law and order orchestrated by adversaries of the state.
“We are privy to credible intelligence indicating that certain prominent figures from the opposition party in Kano have devised plans to sponsor student associations and political agitators from other northwestern states to incite chaos under the guise of advocating for the dethroned Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero.
“The state government has explicitly outlawed protests, demonstrations, or processions of any kind, and individuals found on the streets of Kano engaging in such activities will be promptly apprehended.
“Through this declaration, we caution student groups against being manipulated by troublemakers who are resolute in fomenting disorder in Kano.”
Governor Yusuf  urged all citizens of the state to carry on with their  normal activities as the state retains its tranquility, and the government will persist in vigilant oversight of the situation to promptly address any individuals or factions trying to undermine the relative peace that state presently enjoys.
However, Kano state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Mohammed Usaini Gumel, has vowed to arrest and prosecute any person or group of persons that violated Governor Yusuf’s order.
CP Gumel Called on Kano State Residents to remain patriotic and obey the Kano State Government order which was Issued Wednesday morning.
He insisted that all forms of unlawful gatherings, protests and processions are banned in the state.
A Statement signed on his behalf by the Command’s Spokesperson, SP Abdullahi Haruna Kiyawa indicated that: “The Police Command in Kano State will ensure the State Government Order that ban all forms of protests is being implemented with all sense of vigor as any person found will be arrested and prosecuted accordingly.
 “Already, armed personnel have since been deployed to identified flash points in and outside the Metropolis and are poised to deal with any form of violation and other unforeseen circumstances.
“In the same vein, the Police Command have placed its fully kitted, equipped and motivated personnel on ‘red alerts’ to ruthlessly deal with the situation as any form of security threats in the State would not be tolerated.
“On this note, the Commissioner of Police, Kano State Command, *CP Mohammed Usaini Gumel, FIPMA, psc* calls on the law-abiding people of the State to remain patriotic, obey the Kano State Government Order, maintain calmness and avoid any other form of unlawful activities that may trigger violence as joint security forces have been dispatched to strategic locations to safeguard the peace and order throughout the State.
“Furthermore, the Police Command is hereby reminding members of the public that the position of the law remained very clear as whoever attempts to disrupt the peace in the State will be arrested and made to face full wrath of the law.”
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