Paedophile Lagos lawyer still on remand, says Prosecutor

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A 40-year-old lawyer, Christopher Uzoamaka, arraigned on Sept. 1 for allegedly caressing a nine-year- old girl at the premises of Tinubu Chief Magistrates’ Court, Lagos, is still being remanded at the Ikoyi Prisons.

The prosecutor, Insp. Andohemba Koti disclosed this on Friday when the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) sought an update on the case.

Koti said the lawyer’s continued detention was as a result of his inability to meet the bail conditions of a N100,000 bail with two sureties in like sum given by the Magistrate, Mr L. A. Owolabi, at the last hearing of the case.

NAN reports that Uzoamaka was arraigned on Sept.1 on a four-count charge bordering on unlawful penetration into the private part of the minor.

The defilement victim, who was living with her parents in London, United Kingdom, had visited Nigeria while on vacation.

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Before his last arraignment, he had initially appeared at the court on Aug.12 on a three- count charge bordering on defilement which he allegedly committed in one of the courtrooms at the magistrates’ court.

The minor had followed her grandmother, who was a claimant in a civil case to the court on Aug. 11 when the incident happened.

It was gathered that the lawyer, who the woman wanted to engage to handle the case, was initially playing with the victim before he lured her into the vacant courtroom, where he reportedly carried out the act.

The girl was said to have rushed out in tears and told her grandmother that the lawyer fondled her breasts and thrusted his finger into her private part.

“The lawyer is still being remanded in prison because he could not meet his bail conditions.

“’That is all I can tell you for now. We are on top of the matter and we are awaiting the DPP’s advice on it.’’

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