Buhari expresses sadness over Zamfara bandit attacks


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President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesdayduring a telephone conversation with Emir of Maradun in Zamfara, Alhaji Garba Tambari, expressed sadness over the loss of lives and destruction of property following the banditry attacks.

The information is contained in a statement by the President’s Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Malam Garba Shehu, in Abuja on Tuesday.

President Buhari said he was extremely saddened by the loss of lives and destruction of property following the attacks.

He urged the Emir to console his people, and citizens in the entire state over “these heart-wrenching tragedies”.

He reiterated his administration’s determination to do everything it would take to secure the state and the nation in general, and would bring such attacks to an end.

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President Buhari had, on Monday, expressed sorrow over the loss of lives following attacks on communities in Zamfara by bandits and cattle rustlers and assured that the Federal Government would do everything in its powers to end the horrendous attacks.

He disclosed that a major operation by the Nigerian Armed Forces, the Police, Department of State Services and the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps, was being considered to restore peace and stability to affected areas.

In a related development, President Buhari has also called the leader of the Izala Muslim religious movement, Sheik Sani Yahaya Jingir in Jos, to condole him following the death, in a road accident in Jigawa, of a number of his followers.

He also commiserated with him on the kidnapping of his other followers in Zamfara.

The President gave assurances that the law enforcement agencies would make the best efforts to free the kidnapped followers of the Sheik.

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