Women are 90 percent breadwinners - CWO president


Mrs Jennifer Okonyia

Catholic Women Organisation (CWO) queen, Mrs Jennifer Okonyia, has urged women to take up the challenge of nation-building through hard work and readiness to solve problems.

Okonyia, a Computer Scientist, spoke with the Newsmen at the end of a Thanksgiving Mass on Sunday to celebrate her emergence as queen.

Okonyia emerged the second CWO queen after a contest among six contestants from the catholic women groups of Saints Joachim and Anne Catholic Church, Ijegun, in Ikotun, NAN reports.

According to her, “my message to Nigerian women is to be hardworking to boost the efforts of our husbands amidst economic challenges facing the country’’.

She said that gone were the days when men were the sole proprietors in families, adding that only a few homes can now boast of having only the men in charge economically.

“In the 60s, it was purely a man’s world, women did not need to work, as most of them were not even allowed freedom to education.

“The hands of the clock turned when the economy degenerated, as you hardly find full-time housewives today. In fact, some homes even now the women taking up the economic responsibilities rather than the men,’’ she said.

Okonyia, who is the second crowned queen, further called on mothers to create more time for their children to avoid them being victims of child abuse and cultism.

“We must not put all our time in business and searching for money at the expense of our children, as all the recent victims of child trafficking and cultists are children of busy mothers.

“If you fail to discipline and monitor your children appropriately, they would fall into wrong hands through peer pressure, thereby destroying our family values,’’ she said.

Similarly, the 2018 maiden queen, DSP Agatha Eze, advised mothers to be good ambassadors of the ideal family by showing good examples to their children.

“Mothers should try and keep fit as good mothers in all expected areas of life; they should show good examples of Christianity anywhere they are.

“We cannot achieve this if we don’t come together, do things with one love in the church without grudges, because that is a reflection of who we are at home,’’ she said.

According to the policewoman, who holds the title, “Adadioranma l of Alimosho,’’ Nigerian women should draw their attention to the Importance of mothers to nation-building.

She noted that without mothers in any situation, it will not have its full perfection.

She further appealed to the government to put into consideration, the importance of mother’s, and include them in governance.

The maiden queen also appealed to organisations to consider women for major positions because they perform more diligently than the men in executive offices.

“It is high time corporate organisations reconsider placing women in executive positions because most women can perform better than men in such positions.

“ Women are not recognized in most organizations, no matter the level except they know someone there.

“In fact, women have become presidents and heads of state in over 50 African and non-African states and countries, yet Nigeria is yet to produce one. This calls for concern,’’ she told NAN.

However, the president of CWO, Mrs Ruth Isibor, called on women to try and make themselves happy, despite some lingering challenges.

“Nigerian women should try to always make themselves happy, no matter the challenges of life.

“And most importantly, women should take up jobs that will engage them as home builders, in a bid to assist their husbands,’’ she said.

The woman leader decried the spate at which some men have abandoned their primary responsibilities to their wives, saying that it was almost becoming the trend.

“These days, our women are 90 percent breadwinners in the family, which should not have been the case, as we are supposed to be helpmates to our husbands,’’ she said.

The CWO president said she decided to organise CWO queens to make women know that they are very important in society and should be focused on.

“Having a CWO beauty contest is a good medium to socialise women to reduce the stress of family challenges and make them boost their intellect.

“Also, we should be given a chance in governance to reduce intimidation in some public positions where a woman would have been a better option,’’ she said.

Isibor then appealed to government and private organisations to empower more women, saying that “When you empower a woman, you empower a nation,’’.

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