What Gov. Otti told 2 Abia YPP lawmakers who defected to LP

Alex Otti

Gvernor of Abia State, Alex Otti

By Ihechinyere Chigemeri-Uwom

Governor Alex Otti has expressed his excitement over the defection of two members of the Young Progressives Party (YPP) in the Abia House of Assembly to the Labour Party (LP).

Otti received the two defectors, Mr Iheanacho Nwogu, representing Osisioma North State Constituency, and Mr Fine Ahuama, representing Osisioma South State Constituency at the Government House, Umuahia on Tuesday.

Speaking at the ceremony, Otti said that LP would provide a level play field for all its members and urged the defectors to work towards bringing their constituents into the party.

He congratulated the two lawmakers for what he described as the bold step they took to join LP/

The Governor added that he looked forward to receiving more defectors into the party while noting that the two lawmakers had always supported his administration from its inception, irrespective of their political affiliation.

The governor said that his administration was committed to transparency, service and merit as evident in his style of leadership.

He said: “One thing that I have assured members of the House of Assembly is that because we are running a transparent kind of leadership, we will never come to you with anything untoward.

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“We don’t have anything to hide because Abia Government is working for the people of Abia.

“I even told them in Rivers that when you are governing people and they’re not happy there’s something wrong with the leadership.

“This is because the essence of governance is stewardship and I am happy because my people are happy.”

Earlier, the Majority Leader of the house, Mr Uchenna Kalu, said while presenting the two decampees to the governor that they announced their defection to the LP during the house plenary session.

In their separate speeches, Nwogu and Ahuama said that their decision to dump their former party was informed by the achievements of the Otti-led administration.

They said that belonging to the same party with the governor would enable them to join the support for his administration to deepen democracy at the grassroot for the benefit of their constituents.


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