Stand for unity of Nigeria, Lawyer to youths


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An Ilorin- based legal practitioner, Mr Taiye Ishola, has called on Nigerian Youths to stand for the unity and peace of the country rather than advocating for division.

Ishola made the call in Ilorin on Friday.

He also urged youths to avoid being used as an instrument of division by selfish politicians, adding that they should continue to defend the unity of the nation.

“Youths are the leaders of tomorrow, they are not expected to be used as an instrument of division. They must say No to divisive politics.

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“Don’t join the crusaders of division. Stand up for one Nigeria to make it great. The future of Nigeria is in your hand,” he said.

The legal practitioner, however, enjoined youths to be agents of change by being discipline and pledge their loyalty to one Nigeria.

“2019 is fast approaching, don’t allow yourself to be used by politicians to cause chaos or any form of public unrest during and after the general elections.”

The legal practitioner, however, cautioned some journalists, religious leaders, politicians and individuals to refrain from misleading the public on the unity of the country.

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