Akande-Sadipe facilitates N30K COVID-19 relief for constituents


Rep. Tolulope Akande-Sadipe

A member of the House of Representatives from Oluyole Federal Constituency, Rep. Tolulope Akande-Sadipe has facilitated COVID-19 relief fund for 150 Constituency members.

In a statement on Tuesday in Ibadan by her Senior Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Olamilekan Olusada, the lawmaker said that the fund would provide a sort of relief to her constituents, through the Federal Government COVID-19 Support Funds Initiative.

Akande-Sadipe said the beneficiaries would receive Thirty Thousand Naira only (N30,000) each, as part of the President Buhari-led Federal Government’s efforts at cushioning the effect of the pandemic on Nigerians.

The lawmaker who chairs the House Committee on Diaspora underscored the need to reach out to members of her constituency through the support of the Federal Government, saying the pandemic has rendered many jobless at this time.

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She added that beneficiaries were drawn from all the wards in Oluyole Federal Constituency.

“The fund is meant to cushion effects of the covid-19 pandemic on Nigerians and I hope the funds will be used to generate revenue to alleviate the economic hardship brought on by the pandemic,” she said.

Akande-Sadipe, however, urged continuous observation of all precautionary measures which Government and health authorities have prescribed, to stay safe.

She called on Nigerians to still be on the lookout for mild symptoms that are associated with the virus, such as common cold, headaches, dry cough, itchy throat, difficulty in breathing and general body and joint pains, among other symptoms.

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