Ultimate Cleansing, Healing

Sharon Jane Akinyemi

Sharon Jane Akinyemi

I couldn’t agree more. Just take some time to ponder all the variety of foods God created. In fact tear open a juicy orange, bite into a delicious nectarine or peel a ripe  banana and marvel at how anyone could doubt there is a divine Creator! Man has never come close to packaging food as perfectly as our God has.

The body can do quite well on vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes and proteins. I ate those food groups, plus a small amount of healthy oils for many years. My health improved dramatically !

If natural sugars are no problem for you, add fresh fruit to your diet. These sweet low fat treats are packed with nutrients and enzymes.You will want to eat more vegetables than fruits, however. A good rule to remember. Fruits are cleansing; vegetables are healing. If you’ve been eating a lot of junk food, you may want to go on a cleansing programme.An easy way to cleanse your system is to eat only fruits for two to three days. Drink lots of clean water. You’ll clear out plenty of toxins on this “fruit fast.”

Try this only if you don’t have diabetes or candida (candida albicans are microscopic, parasitic fungi that live in warm, moist places of the human body: the digestive tract from mouth to rectum, the vagina, and other mucus membranes.) These yeast organism live quietly in the normal, healthy body not causing a stir. But when conditions are right for them they grow out of control- ‘colonising’ and taking over the system. According to microbiologist, if given the necessary  food-sugar-fungus is the fastest-growing organism on earth. Candida sufferers can detox by drinking vegetable juices and eating vegetables, raw or lightly steamed, for several days.

Vegetables are healing and strengthening. They build you up. That’s why cancer clinics and other alternative  medical centres recommend a diet rich in produce and other live foods. Vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and enzymes provide the body with everything  it needs to heal herself. Phytochemicals or “phytonutrients” as they are also called, are compounds that safeguard your genes and DNA, thus protecting and restoring your body’s health.

Pytochemicals helps to fight cancer, provide anti-ageing protection, and more. Plants get the colours in their skin from absorbing the sun’s light. It’s  this energy that our bodies need so desperately to sustain life. Always eat vegetables carefully washed and unpeeled  when possible.

The old recommendation to have seven to nine fruit and vegetable serving  today is a great advice. When was the last time you even came close? It’s tough, even on a good day.

Study after study shows increasing evidence that this area of nutrition will have the most profound long-term effect on your health and vitality. Supplements cannot completely fill in the gaps left from eating enough whole foods. The fiber alone in plant foods has an incredible balancing effect on blood sugar, not to mention the benefits of your entire digestive system. And don’t forget that your breads and cereals should have enough whole grains to be considered food. Most refined, packaged foods enter the body and are pretty much turned to sugar and paste within minutes of ingestion.

Exercise As A Cleansing Agent  

Exercise acts as an internal cleanser, removing toxins and debris from the body.In fact, exercise can actually detoxify your body better and more efficiently than many other forms of detoxification. It is no secret that physical activity has been proven to provide numerous health benefits including: increased circulation, weight loss, decreased risk of disease, stress reduction, lower cholesterol, improved strength/endurance, prevention of bone loss, etc.

Exercise also increases detoxification to flush out metabolic waste, environmental poisons, and other toxins.Exercise is just as crucial to detoxification as maintaining a good diet. In addition, the implementation of exercise to a detoxification programme can synergistically increase the effects of the programme.

People today get far less exercise today because of our increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Combine this with the quality of air we breathe and the food we consume in our industrial habitat, and you have a recipe for chronic diseases. Our bodies absorb toxins and chemicals and we must find a way to dispose them to decrease the probability of disease and to increase our body’s day to day function.The inherent benefits of exercise detoxification include: removal of fatty tissues and increased circulation/body function.

Recommended Cleansing Exercises include:


Jogging helps exercise the cardiovascular system and the legs, increases your body temperature and breathing. While jogging is an excellent exercise with plenty of benefits, many injuries are associated with jogging. Therefore, this type of exercise is better suited for those familiar with exercise and who have been conditioned to sustain the forces of jogging on the body.


For those unable to run or want a less intense form of exercise, walking is a great detoxifying activity. Walking is by far the most convenient and economical exercise.  Although walking may be considered a mild form of exercise, it provides enough physical activity to help detoxify your body and provide other benefits of exercise.


Swimming is an excellent exercise because it provides good cardiovascular and muscular workout without producing bodily strain on the joint and structures of the body like jogging.


Benefits of bicycling include increased body temperature, increased breathing and it provides a good core/abdominal muscle workout. This is an excellent exercise that can be preformed outside on a beautiful day (not on a busy road) or in the gym on a stationary bicycle.

Abdominal Exercises

Exercise of the muscles in your stomach and mid-section, sometimes called your core or abdominal muscles (abs), helps your key elimination organs (colon, kidneys, and liver) maintain good health. In addition to colon detoxification, adding a variety of stomach movements and twists helps to massage your colon and other elimination organs. These exercises also help to strengthen the muscles around these vital organs for protection.

Gym Training Machines

Exercise on training machines (i.e. Elliptical, Cross Ramp, Machine Row), provides an  excellent exercise in the form of cardiovascular training and resistance movements. These exercises allow whole body movement which increases circulation important for detoxification.

At Body Confidence Centre we offer a full range of physical therapy and exercise programmes to help you recover from injuries aches and pains caused by work and to help your body detoxify.

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Exercise is key in the process of cleansing and healing because natural killer cells that attack infection and other immune system fighters increase with exercise, as do levels of hormones specific for good immune  function. In summary, physical activity regulates all the functions of the body.

A quick way to evaluate yourself to know how well or bad you are doing as regards to physical activities.

Now, based on the last three months, please rate yourself (0- Almost never; 1- Sometimes; 2- Often; 3-Always)

•I crave activity and find ways to move more each day.

•I enjoy exercise and how it makes my body feel

• I have high energy to do all the things I want and need to do.

•I make exercise and activity a priority in my life.

•I understand the need for aerobic, strength and flexibility training.

•I engage in aerobic activity four or more times per week.

•I take the stairs or walk a distance whenever I can.

•I monitor my heart rate and know I am exercising safely.

•I am injury free and able to engage in most activities .

•Being healthy and fit is important to me.

•I listen to my body and knows what it needs

•I wear appropriate and quality shoes for exercise.

•I have a very active life and am moving throughout the day

•I do purposeful exercise for at least 30 minutes ,three times per week.

•I can easily touch my toes without bending my knees.

• I maintain strong abdominal muscles.

Add the total of all scores.


40-48 – Excellent! You’re fit.

31-39    Good. Stay consistent

22-30  Fair. Use it or lose it!

< 21.     Poor. Take one small step and  start moving.

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