Party Time

Sharon Jane Akinyemi

Sharon Jane Akinyemi

It makes sense to arrive at a party a little hungry, but to come starving means a glass of wine and appetizers will lead to one big caloric nightmare. Besides, parties never start when they’re supposed to, and you know there”s going to be some gooey, crunchy appetizer that will be your undoing.” Solution: Keep reading………

Trust me, when I am out of shape, I don’t smile at the future. I dread the events that lie ahead because  I know I don’t look my best. I don’t feel like myself either.

Research shows that an  average person gains an average of 3.5kg over the holidays, am I speaking your mind? Does it happen to you? But I guess am not average. I can say am above average because I gained more weight than most. My holiday started early ( when I got through with a major training on fitness and health and started celebrating) .

I hate to admit it, but fat happens. I had fallen off the  Body Confidence wagon. Munched seriously on goodies I hadn’t eaten in years. The only exercise I got then was lifting my fork to my mouth.The imbalance showed up around the midline. It became embarrassing to me, but I did not waste time in climbing back into the Body Confidence wagon and worked hard to get back to shape again. And so can you.

Most events are characterised by assorted foods and delicacies especially in this part of the world. Do you ever feel like food has the upper hand in your life? Does pounded yam call your name from the food stand or fried rice and chips jump into your arms at the parties? Food is an important part of our lives and has been since day one. Our first cries frequently were cries of hunger. Food became comfort and security for most of us in many situations throughout our lives.

At birthdays and weddings, we celebrate with special cakes and treats. Holidays have food and tradition tied to them. Every event, like graduation , naming, religious festivals, or visit to the beach, elicits a craving for the food we associate with that particular experience. Add to that television, magazines, and all of our friends and acquaintances bombarding us with different food sensations, and we have a never-ending temptation to gorge ourselves with one treat after another. Couple with the simple fact that food tastes great, and we have a disaster just waiting to happen. Perhaps it already has- in the form of over expanded fat cells and clothes that just don’t fit like they used to.

However, all forms  of overeating do not indicate you have a dangerous relationship with food. Sometimes we simply choose to indulge more than usual. Emotional eating is only a problem when it leads to daily habits you feel you cannot control.

Party food is tasty and tempting, but most of your choices are high in fat, calories, salt or sugar. Overeating is easy to do at a party because the food is just sitting there, and you might consume too much without noticing as you mingle and chat. While an occasional indulgence won’t harm your health, it’s best to take action to avoid eating too much at your next gathering. Further more,  Sara Ipatenco of Demand Media, came handy on  How to Avoid Eating Food at a Party

Healthy Diet

If your diet is filled with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, low-fat dairy and whole grains, you are likely getting all the vitamins and minerals you need for good health. These foods provide nutritious ways to fill you up so that you eat less overall. An added bonus of eating a healthy diet is that you are less likely to want to eat unhealthy snacks at parties.

Eat Before You Go

Don’t go to a party hungry. If you’re famished, you’re more likely to head straight to the food table and start eating. Chances are, you won’t be eating the most nutritious foods though. Eat a high-fiber or high-protein snack before you go to the party. It’s a lot easier to limit party food if you’re not hungry. Have an apple with some peanuts nuts or a slice of whole-wheat toasted bread.  Buy three or four whole-grain crackers with  a carton of low-fat yogurt with a handful of cashew nuts or walnuts. Sliced vegetables like carrot and cucumber with  is another filling snack that can help prevent you from eating unhealthy foods at the party. Eat your snack slowly. According to a 2009 study published in the “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism,” eating slowly can stop you from eating too much. When your body gets the signal that it’s full, you’re less likely to keep eating once you get to the party.

Drink Water

Drink plenty of water. Water helps fill your stomach so that you are less likely to feel hungry. It also gives you something to put in your mouth that doesn’t contain calories or fat. Mindless eating, which often occurs as you visit with friends at a party, can cause you to consume far more food than you need or even want. Hold a glass of water in your hand instead, and you’ll be less likely to mindlessly nibble on the foods at the buffet table.

Move Away

Stay away from the food table. It’s easier said than done, but chatting with friends across the room will help prevent you from filling your plate repeatedly with unhealthy foods. Move your conversation outside to keep the buffet table out of sight. notes that simply seeing appetizing food is all it may take to tempt you to overeat. If the food is right in front of you and it looks good, you’re more likely to eat more than you should. Keeping the food out of your sight is a simple way to keep yourself from eating when you’re not hungry.

Healthy Tips

Keep healthy foods in your car or purse. Pack an apple, orange, garden egg or banana. Each of these has a healthy dose of fiber, which fills you up so that you’re less likely to be tempted by the buffet table. Fresh vegetables and a peanut butter sandwich on whole-wheat bread are filling options to take along. If you’re hungry at the party, excuse yourself, go outside and have the healthy snack you packed before rejoining the party. If you get hungry and must eat at the party, choose vegetable crudites, fruit slices, shrimp cocktail or nuts. Take one small helping of each, eat it slowly and then move away from the food table.

What is A Healthy Relationship With Food

  • Understanding that all days are not  exactly the same.
  • Being able to eat when you are hungry and continue until you feel comfortably satisfied. But occasionally it is also letting yourself eat a little more than you should, just because you want to.
  • Choosing to refrain from some foods because you want to improve your health or feel better.
  • Knowing you can have anything you want any time you want it, so you don’t have to have it all right now
  • Enjoying and finding pleasure in food. This also means that there are times when other things distract you and you couldn’t care less
  • Knowing when enough is enough and finding other coping mechanism in life besides food to help you through tough times.
  • Being in control of your food choices, because you know you really are.

Adding Some Physical Activities

A friend offered some sensible exercises before a party.

Before you start: You don’t need any special equipment, just a pillow and two half-litre bottles of water to use as weights. This workout is best done after a hot bath, when your muscles are warm and relaxed.

Aim to do two or three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions of each of the moves (right), then follow them with some gentle stretches.

The Moves

Bottom and thighs

How to do it: Stand with feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward. Hold weights with both hands on lower back. Lower into squat position, hips back, body weight on heels, leaning forward with back flat, knees bent to about 90 degrees.

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Squeeze bottom to stand. As legs straighten, extend the right leg to side. Lower and repeat, then switch sides.

Chest, shoulders and triceps

What will it do for you? These bent-knee press-ups will give you the toned, sculpted upper body you need to look great in this season’s sleeveless party dresses.

How to do it: Assume a press-up position with your hands slightly more than shoulder width apart, knees bent and legs crossed at the ankles.

Bend your elbows until your chest comes close to the floor, keeping your back straight. Hold for one count as you straighten arms and press up to starting position. Repeat.

Tummy and waist

What will it do for you? By tightening the abdominal and waist area, it will ensure you maintain good posture, and will remind you to hold that stomach in.

How to do it: Lie back on the floor with arms extended at your sides. Bend knees 90 degrees but keep feet a few inches off the floor. Place a folded pillow between knees and slowly rotate at the waist, dropping your legs to the left. Touch left knee to floor, hold briefly, then bring legs back to centre and repeat on the other side. Keep abs tight, palms down and shoulder blades and mid-back glued to the floor at all times.


What will it do for you? This exercise will make you aware of the way you hold yourself – and good posture can make you look taller, thinner and a lot more confident, too.

How to do it: Think tall, whether you’re walking, sitting or standing. Imagine that someone is pulling a pole running through the centre of your body up through the top of your head. Keep your spine in alignment, ears directly over shoulders, shoulders over hips, and knees over toes. Rest your weight on the balls of your feet to allow for more graceful movement.


What will it do for you? These stretches will help lengthen and elongate your muscles to give you a lithe, feminine elegance.

How to do it: Always hold your stretch for 10 to 30 seconds and never bounce.

Lower back

Lie on your back, making sure your lower back is flat on the ground. Pull your knees to your chest.


Hold your leg with the opposite arm. Do not lock your knee joint of your straight leg. This exercise can be done lying on your stomach.

Shoulders and chest

Clasp your hands behind your back. Lift your arms up slowly until you feel the stretch.

Triceps and shoulders

Gently pull your elbow behind your head.


Sit on the floor. Place one foot against the opposite thigh of the extended leg. Bend forward from the hip. Do not bend your neck down.

Now go out and enjoy yourself.

Ultimately, what we want and should want is healthy relationship with food, where we believe the truth that we are in control of our choices . When life is crazy or when  you are a little stressed or bored, you sometimes choose to eat for the pure pleasure of it. Whether you struggle daily or just occasionally with emotional eating issues, this write up will help you develop  a healthier relationship with food for the rest of your life.

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